In the
Media Inquiries :
Tallgrasshempcannabis [a] gmail . com
"The tide is turning. It's a great time to be involved with hemp; on the CBD oil side but also with the fiber plants that a lot of our Kansas farmers can grow in the future.
Hemp is a new commodity. We're excited to be a part of it."
- Sarah Stephens, Wichita Eagle - Aug. 2019
Tallgrass Hemp Headlines
"Tallgrass Hemp & Cannabis contributes to the Kansas hemp community with research and persistence. Farmers, processors and manufacturers in this space are pioneers in a new industry. Making investments, pushing boundaries and working to comply with ever-changing regulations; the hemp business challenges everyone involved. But with the power to heal people, the environment and the economy, efforts to produce hemp and manufacture hemp products are worthwhile and key to our collective future."
- Sarah Stephens, Founder & CEO